These days, when a man pays for a high-priced call girl, he wants more bang for his buck. Escorts are not known for kissing their clients, but today men are paying for high-priced escorts who are willing to kiss them, "date" them, and be their pretend girlfriends. It's called the "girlfriend experience", and escorts are no longer called hookers, prostitutes, whores or hos; they are now called "providers".  Customers, previously known as punters, or Johns, or dirty old men now refer to themselves as "hobbyists".

The GFE starts with nice conversation over dinner, drinks, or tea followed by making out on the sofa back at the hotel -where the sexual menu generally includes - DFK (deep French kissing), BBBJ, (bare-back blow job), DATY (dining at the Y), mish (missionary), doggie, and if she's really a good girlfriend A level (anal sex).

The PSE or porn star experience is increasingly popular, since guys watch so much porn they want to actually have sex with the real thing.

If you are looking for an unbelievably naughty girlfriend experience with a real porn star, look no further! I have insatiable appetites for wild encounters. None of them are ever shocking. I can be the naughtiest, dirtiest, filthiest slut available. 


Is this the page where I´m supposed to tell you how smart and educated I am, how Exotic how 
sensual and sexy, playful and charismatic I am... And, way too selective and very, very 
expensive to suit my own needs, what ever those may be..very expensive indeed... Ughs!! 

It is truly hard to be objective for I simply cannot describe myself without praise nor without being subjective!! 

I am so incredibly stunning and genius indeed: The ultimate intriguer, instigator and a total 
conspiring innovator of The Cleopatra Experience.. 

It will leave you breathless and you will be 
compelled to repeat being left breathless again and again!! 

For real? of course not! Who would wanna be left breathless..? Do men really wanna indulge in an unforgettable forever haunting experience with a Super woman with brains and beauty? HELL NO!! 

I´m just a local idiot who loves men! Everything else is nothing but a mind fuck! 


Jay Cross